Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Brother Abroad

“Senator, they are fighting and, as I mentioned, dying for their country in substantial numbers. Their losses, again, are some three times our losses of late. And I might add that the sons of Iraq losses are between two and a half and three times our losses in addition to that. So they’re very much fighting and they are very much dying for their country.”

-- Gen. Petraeus to Sen. Kennedy, who suggested that Iraqi forces are deserting their units and not willing to fight on their own.

This is Day 51.

Also, to file this one under the "what the ...?", Sen. Kennedy will be awarded an honory knighthood by Britain. I wonder how the Kopechnes feel about that one?

1 comment:

Julie Weaver said...

It's amazing how not so many people know the story! I think it was very regionally told. At my bookclub meeting last night, only 2 of us knew what Black Water was based on and the other 2 (from CA) did not know!! Ted is a god in many opinions, which is very sad.