I love to poke fun at my obnoxiously svelte crony, Susan, and suggest that the reason she would've looked so much better in a bikini 2 days post partum than me, well, EVER, is because she made some kind of deal with the devil.
I'm kidding about that....I think.
Anyway, the truth of the matter is that she knows everything about fitness, nutrition, and being an exhausted mother (and how the latter tends to work against the former two). Needless to say, she is officially a licensed trainer and is launching her business for anyone who may be in need. She is, of course, my good friend, but she is also motivating without being psycho, compassionate without being a pushover, and completely aware of how hard it is for moms to put themselves first.
With this in mind, she tailors workouts for you in the comfort of your own home. Not only that, just when that new excitement wears off when things start to get tough, she returns to change everything up on you....which keeps you on your toes....and in your smallest clothes.
If you are interested and live in the Greater Philadelphia Area, call Susan at (856) 472-2225, or email her at: SculptBody@hotmail.com
And please tell her the Devil referred you.....
Where else do you think I got all these freckles???