Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Fun Tradition for a Fun Holiday

So, even if you prefer pasta to potatoes and the closest you get to being Irish involves listening to a U2 cd or an occasional sip of Guinness, the rule on St. Patrick’s Day is that everyone is Irish for a day. Your only obligation in adopting another heritage for a day is to wear green, tell a lot of jokes and stories, and learn how to give a proper toast (corned beef and cabbage are optional).

My own children happen to bear a wonderful Italian last name but, truth be told, they look more like little leprechauns than the bambinos their namesakes imply. No matter what your mixed genes have made, however, there is as much fun for kids at home on St. Patrick’s Day, than, say, any shenanigans going on at your local pub. For example…

Leprechaun Trap:

After explaining the lore of leprechauns and their pots of gold, a great way to bring Santa-esque excitement to a less eventful holiday is to make a leprechaun trap. The “trap” is extremely easy to make, and looking for leprechauns is a great way to spend a notoriously rainy or chilly March day.


A shoe box (without the lid)
Aluminum Foil
Tape or Glue and Scissors
Green felt or construction paper; or St. Patrick’s Day themed stickers
A stick or pencil twice as deep as the box (for propping)

1) Create the “trap” by wrapping the shoebox in foil and affixing using tape or glue.

2) Decorate with any St. Patrick decoration (stickers, shamrocks cut from felt or paper)

3) Prop the box up with the stick and leave out in your yard, or some suitable place in your home.

4) Explain to your little one that if you “catch” a leprechaun, you may get his pot of gold, or some other treat he’s holding.

5) Then, in the morning set the “trap” and check it throughout the day. At some point hide some candy, or (even better) chocolate coins inside for your little one to find.

Tip: If naptime is a struggle, use the leprechaun as a gimmick. “He’s most likely to come when you’re sleeping…” You get the idea.

Good luck and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Irish Humor (2 Days to Go...)

McQuillan walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, he started to leave. "S'cuse me," said a customer, who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. "What was that all about?" "Nothing," he replied, "my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives."

Quote of the Weekend

"If your kids are giving you a headache, follow the directions on the aspirin bottle, especially the part that says "keep away from children." ~Susan Savannah

Picture of the weekend

The first milestones:

The first step
The first word
The first birthday


The first taste of Cookie Puss

Friday, March 14, 2008

Week In Review

The Top 5 Things I Learned This Week

5) Forget healthy eating and exercise, I just need some sleep to get on the cover of Shape magazine….see you next spring!

4) Though they may seem like harmless and fun play yards, never get on a ball pit’s bad side.

3) If I squish seven Weight Watchers lemon cakes together and swallow them whole, I may actually taste something.

2) Forget teething, growth spurts, and nighttime potty visits; if you really want to add excitement to your night, make Daylight Savings a monthly event.

And finally…

1) Take a lesson from the former governor of New York and avoid Jersey girls at all costs because…(get ready, this is awful) …we give love a bad name.

Book Review

Little Quack, by Laura Thompson, illustrations by Derek Anderson

Other books by Thompson: The entire Little Quack series, as well as the Mouse’s First… series

Summary: Mama Duck decides it’s time for her five little ducks to leave the nest and learn to swim. Though all are initially reluctant, each one bravely takes the plunge and is proud at their achievement. Little Quack remains last, struggling to overcome his fear, while in the end, making the biggest splash.

Underlying Lessons: Don’t let your fears keep you from trying your best.

1) Vibrant pictures and board book form make this a great book for little ones who are not ready for the overriding message.
2) The moral, literary devices, cause and effect examples, and math reinforcement all make this book appropriate for a very wide age range.
3) The Mother Duck models positive reinforcement in her constant chorus of, “You can do it, I know you can!”
4) All the ducks look different, take a different approach, and are rewarded equally
5) Great opportunity to reinforce counting
6) Fun use of onomatopoeia (words that sound like their sounds)
7) The book also comes in plastic form: great for the tub/ “pond”, or chewable for the teethers


1) Not earth shattering creativity…you get what you expect.

Overall Rating: Three Sippy Cups

Rating Scale:

Four Sippy Cups: The Pulitzer of Childrens Literature: a classic work (or soon to be)
Three Sippy Cups: Better Than Most and good enough that you still won’t mind reading for the 236th time.
Two Sippy Cups: Fair enough to keep on the bookshelf, but no love lost if the pages get ripped, the binding gets chewed, or some lovely drool dampens the pages
One Sippy Cup: Consider it the newest addition to the diaper genie
No Cups: The only argument I’ve found in favor of book burning

Irish Humor

Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender, 'Pour me a stiff one - just had another fight with the little woman.' 'Oh yeah?' said Charlie, 'And how did this one end?''When it was over,' Mike replied, 'She came to me on her hands and knees.'Really,' said Charles, 'Now that's a switch! What did she say?' She said, 'Come out from under the bed, you little chicken.'

Three says to go...

Informing or Intruding?

Just short of two years ago, I used to attend a weekly book hour at the Barnes and Noble overlooking Rittenhouse Square in Center City. Given the tony address, the crowd of mothers were always finely dressed and remarkably outnumbered by the crowd of nannies who were put in charge of Philadelphia’s most exclusive, most elite, and most likely to attend an Ivy League.

I loved (and still love) how much my daughter loved the books and the storytelling. I loved watching her discover, for the first time, books that I had loved as a child myself. But, truth be told, I also loved the people watching.

For many of the children, their nannies were more of a parent to them than their biological ones. I often overheard conversations they had (the nannies all knew each other), and how they would talk about things related to health concerns, developmental milestones, and even emotional issues. These women spoke as any mother might, and the reality was, the children under their charge probably looked to these women more than their own mothers for guidance and support.

Many of us rely on daycare, nannies, and family to help out with the care of our children…that is not what I am talking about. As these nannies spoke about their days, it was clear that with the endless obligations of the parents (constant trips out of town, charity events, galas, luncheons, and so on), that these children spent very little time with the people that sired them.

There was one particular nanny, however, that kept to herself while watching over two young girls, of about one and three. She kept so much to herself, that she spent much of our story hour in the corner, reading whatever magazines had been left behind, and paying no attention to the attention starved sisters. When she did interact with these two little sweethearts, if was to admonish them for not sitting up in their chairs, not using a tissue, or having a soiled diaper. She was a miserable human being and these two little girls had the great misfortune of living under her cantankerous reign.

I felt so awful for these girls….but what could I do?

Then, it happened. I was strolling through the park with my daughter and husband one sunny Saturday afternoon, when I caught sight of the two young girls who were smiling as their mother taught them the names of different flowers in a nearby bed. This mother did not fit the typical mold of so many others. She genuinely showed interest in them, showed concern, and showed love. And I had to pause. I was elated to see the girls actually enjoying themselves, while I debated whether or not I should approach the mother and reveal the truth about the woman she hired. I measured the pros and cons of my interference. I considered possible ramifications, and possible resolutions. I went through a full debate in my mind before realizing that the family had slipped away from sight.

I still think about that missed opportunity, especially when I see some caretaker mistreating their charge. Should something be said in the interest of the child? Or is it a case of "mind your own", so long as as it wouldn't be considered criminal? I don’t know at what point it’s okay to interfere, but I do know that if I could replay that encounter again, I would have told the mother everything and I hope another mother would for me as well.

Sleep Deprivation

According to a poll in Glamour magazine, 48% of women get less than seven hours of sleep most weeknights.

I guess they didn't get the memo from Parenting magazine either. That, or the readers of Glamour are enjoying the "nightlife" in a different way than the mothers of Parenting...bringing a whole new meaning to the term "bottle service".

Quote of the Day

“Parents are the bone on which children sharpen their teeth.” –Peter Ustinov

Picture of the Day

Ball Pit: 1

Daddy: 0
Send your best kid (and Daddy) pictures to:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Irish Humor

Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, 'Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!' Miraculously, a parking place appearedPaddy looked up again and said, 'Never mind, I found one.'

Imagine That!!!

If you are like so many moms I know, getting rid of those last few pounds after pregnancy is often a real struggle. It seems like you have a baby and, wham, a week later you’ve lost 18 pounds and are patting yourself on the back for a job well done. Now you just have 20 or so more pounds to go. As the weeks roll by, the weight continues to drop, at a slightly slower pace, but you are still enjoying weight loss with little or no real effort (especially if you are nursing).

Then it happens: the plateau. You are ten or more pounds from your goal weight, so close to fitting into your favorite jeans, and it seems everything has just stopped. You cut back on some of the bad habits you felt no need to kick leading up to this point. You’d even consider exercising if you didn’t feel like you’d already run a marathon at the end of each day—a decathlon if you have older children. You’re left to ponder your next move as the thought of actually having to do something for yourself strikes you as a new concept.

So, you ruminate over diet programs, weight loss fads, and even a gym membership---

and then you laugh out loud because, well, that’s just funny.

I’ve mentioned I used Jenny Craig to lose those loitering LBs, and I’m now in a Fitness Club to try and firm up a bit, but I am so upset with Parenting magazine for not unearthing this groundbreaking discovery sooner.

That’s right, the brain trust that is Parenting magazine has just published an article with the best solution to losing weight. Prepare yourselves for this one…it’s really something.

The answer: sleep.

That’s right, you silly moms. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise in losing weight. Wow! And they even have research to validate their Nobel Prize worthy discovery. Apparently, moms who average five hours a day or less of sleep are three times more likely to “retain pounds” after the first year of pregnancy.

Now, I wonder why that is?? Hmmmm…..Are you telling me that sleep deprivation will make me not so eager to do jumping jacks? Feeling constantly hung over isn’t the best state of mind for squats? It all makes sense!

Thanks Parenting magazine. I was absolutely lost until now…and tired

Okay....Prepare Yourselves for this One!!! has just reported that the greatest sitcom related to all things high school, Beverly Hills, 90210, is being remade for that bastion of cerebral programming, the CW.

As of now, there is only a pilot, but if we all cross our fingers and chant:

"Donna Martin graduates! Donna Martin graduates!"

.. maybe, just maybe, our dreams will come true.

Dunununu....Dunununu...clap, clap.

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

After reading some stories before naptime to her two small children, the mother told the older she was off to put the younger to sleep, but would be back shortly to read one more book, Horton Hatches an Egg.

When she returned as promised, the little girl exclaimed,

“Mommy, you came back!!! I’m so proud of you…100%!”

For Those of You in the Greater Philadelphia Area...

With the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day on the horizon, another annual event is also imminent and may be of interest to our athletically inclined (and the do-gooders out there…):

The Annual Leprechaun Run / Walk will be held on Saturday, March 15th , with all proceeds benefiting Special Olympics. The 5 mile run begins on West River Drive at the Art Museum at 9 am, and the 2 mile fun walk begins promptly after at 9:05 in the same location. Bring your best sneaks, your friends, your strollers, and your Irish spirit in support of a good cause.

For more information, visit the event’s website at:

Quote of the Day

"In spite of the six thousand manuals on child raising in the bookstores, child raising is still a dark continent and no one really knows anything. You just need a lot of love and luck - and, of course, courage." -- Bill Cosby

Picture of the Day

Never one to deny his inner child, the man decided to indulge in a little rice cereal to start his day off right.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In preparation for St. Patrick's Day...

Flynn staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy,Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Mary. He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful.

Managing not to yell, Flynn sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his butt cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Band-Aids and began putting a Band-Aid as best he could on each place he saw blood. He then hid the now almost empty Band-Aid box and shuffled and stumbled his way to bed.

In the morning, Flynn woke up with searing pain in both his head and butt and Mary staring at him from across the room. She said, 'You were drunk again last night weren't you?'

Flynn said, 'Why you say such a mean thing?'

'Well,'Mary said, 'it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but's all those Band-Aids stuck on the hall mirror."

Toothwatch '08

Is that a…? Could that be a…? Wait a minute…..

Nope. Nothing. Zilch.

Fun Predictions...

If you know my husband and I personally, you know that we are proof that opposites attract. I enjoy reading Shakespeare, while his last book was The Corporate Athlete. He can explain every economic theory every developed, while I maintain the very usable talent of identifying meter in a line of poetry. He has the great ability to assess a situation and offer a thoughtful, pragmatic solution, while my emotions take over and I resort to drastic measures. Finally, I pack a car like it’s a military reconnaissance mission, and he, well, makes it work…even if my son travels with a cosmetic bag on his lap.

We do, however, share some obvious physical characteristics, making others question where in the world our Italian last name came from. One thing we do not share, however, is our height. He towers over most people, while I have to pinch people’s knees to get some attention. This leads me to wonder: will my children share his elevated stature, or my likeness to Thumbelina?

Well, apparently there is now a way to get a good estimate predicting your child’s ultimate height. Not exactly based on any credible scientific formula, you can get a rough idea by factoring your child’s gender and the child’s parents’ height….Earth shattering.

Though by no means do I think this is at all reasonable…it sure is fun to do. See what they predict for your child at:

AND, of course, shout out to all the little people who I love (and make me feel taller): Stacey, Becks, Kelly and everyone else flirting with 5 feet.

***BTW: I was going to post a picture of the world's tallest man shaking hands with the world's smallest man, but the picture actually scared me. I can't imagine the nightmares I'll have....I still haven't recovered from Kenny Rogers.

Eliot Spitzer: A Follow-up

As you may have already heard, Eliot Spitzer has announced his resignation from the position of governor, effective Monday. This action came as a result of an FBI sting operation that revealed his participation in an international prostitution ring. As more reports surface, some unconfirmed sources are alleging that he may have spent upwards of $80,000 for "services rendered".

As I mentioned in a previous post, he may lose his job, but he cannot resign from matter how gravely he's betrayed his wife and three daughters. A lot of you have been emailing me your thoughts...please feel free to post them as a comment in the original posting. A lot of smart sentiments have been floating around, and I think PaxMommy made an awesome point. Thanks for your feedback...I guess we just chalk this one up to another example of how people put themselves before their children and that just having children does not make a man a father.

The Votes Are In...

So this week’s question was kind of silly, but, as always, has produced some interesting results. In truth, I voted for Christian Bale because he is the only evidence of God I’ve found on this planet with the exception of the mystical force that removes one sock of every pair each time I do laundry (I totally stole that line from St. Elmo’s Fire).

For those of you not familiar with Christian Bale’s body of work (hehehe), he broke on the scene in his youth as Laurie in the remake of Little Women with Wynona Ryder and Claire Danes, and starred in other movies such as Swing Kids, Empire of the Sun, and Newsies. He went on to reap critical acclaim as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, the breast-plated hero in Batman Begins, and other unbelievable films (The Machinist, 3:10 to Yuma, The Prestige, I’m Not There, Rescue Dawn, etc.). He is, in short an amazing actor...Oh, and he is kind of attractive.
Unfortunately, my vote was once again edged out by the winner; in this case, a deserving Matthew McConaghy. Funny, genuine, and incredibly attractive might be obvious reasons why he was chosen. But I happen to think part of his triumph came from his role as David Wooderson in Dazed and Confused, which provided one of my favorite lines from a movie of all time: “The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N.”

Not surprisingly, the aging Brad Pitt and George Clooney trailed in the polls as the once sure-things are starting to lose their appeal a bit. Finally, shout out to Stone Phillips, the first live robot employed by a news team to deliver the news. Unfortunately, the fear of someone spilling water on him, resulting in a short circuit, cost the network too much in insurance fees and he was recently relieved of his Dateline duties. In case you’re wondering about how he made it on the list…I actually have a friend who ranks him first on her top five (wow).

Thanks for the votes and be sure to check out the latest one…
special shout out to Karen the Great for some of the choices.

Quote of the Day

"The most important thing she's learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfet mother, and a million ways to be a good one." -Jill Churchill

Picture of the Day

Though I prefer to use pictures with children, I guess this is something more suitable for a child than a mother trying to drop the pounds. The above “cake” is an actual dessert made by Weight Watchers. That’s right…this is one serving of dessert that is apparently supposed to satisfy.

Of course, this begs the question: Whom will it satisfy? Oompa Loompas or Lilliputians?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Irish Humor

An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Connecticut . The state trooper smells alcohol on the priest's breath and then sees an empty wine bottle on the floor of the car.

He says, "Sir, have you been drinking?"

''Just water," says the priest.

The trooper says, 'Then why do I smell wine?"

'The priest looks at the bottle and says, 'Good Lord! He's done it again!'

An Open Letter to Eliot Spitzer (Because You Cannot Resign from Fatherhood)

As yesterday’s news broke that New York governor, Eliot Spitzer, was involved in an international prostitution ring as a very regular customer, reactions were mixed. There were those who reacted with complete shock (Spitzer’s reputation for maintaining a moral high ground had earned him the title of “Mr. Clean”). And there were also those who felt sincere delight. One example came right from the trading room floor of the NYSE as business grounded to halt as the entire assembly erupted in overwhelming applause. (Spitzer earned his reputation as he hungrily, mercilessly persecuted those on Wall Street for various white collar crimes). It seems his unapologetic sense of self-righteousness has more than a few people pleased to find him on the other end of a legal investigation.

As is typical when things like this surface (and they always do), Spitzer issued a very structured statement in which he apologized to his family, apologized for his errors in judgment, and never once admitted committing any crime. As images of a certain shamed New Jersey governor flashed through my head, you also had to notice the supportive wife standing by Spitzer’s side, a stoic trying to sustain complete betrayal, humiliation, and devastation.

Now, as more details come to light, the public is eagerly consuming every little tidbit about the call girl, the liaisons, and even his discreet moniker, “Client #9”. All of this is very interesting, very sordid, and very typical of a philandering politician (I’m sorry, was that redundant?).

There is one thing no one is talking about: the simple fact that the man has three teenage daughters.

Speaking as someone who once was a teenage girl and who taught them for almost a decade, I can honestly say that, when everything comes out in the wash and the truth and lies are all sorted, these three girls will no doubt be the ones permanently stained by the entire ordeal.

They are young. They are at a point in their lives when they have no idea who they are, where they may be going, or what awaits them in the future. And now they have a father who cared more about partaking in sexual indulgences than being a model human being for them…he is one of their two most important teachers.

I realize that this is not exactly the forum to vent. This blog is really a place for me to make fun of myself, make fun of the trials of motherhood, and occasionally, make fun of a deserving “celebutard”. But I feel compelled to say one more thing before I return to in depth discussions of poopy diapers, spit up, and soccer moms:

Dear Mr. Spitzer,

You had made a name for yourself by seeking out wrongdoing and making it right. You had established a standard of good citizenship and accountability.
You had governed the great Empire State with resolve and fortitude.
You had given your daughters something not only to be proud of, but something to seek to emulate as they enter adulthood.
And you have, with one egregiously indulgent misstep, erased every good you have ever done.

As the years pass and your daughters become women of their own, they may be asked what single most influential event shaped their childhood. They will not say their father’s public service, nor will they say their father’s commitment to honor and integrity.

I think you know what they’ll say. And they will not remember the words of wisdom you bestowed, the recitals you attended, the "Happy Birthdays" you sang, because one family tragedy will tarnish all triumphs.

And for the rest of us, because I am very far from perfect, let us always remember to put our children first in every aspect of our lives for all they count on is the love, guidance, and example of the two people who love them most. Their well-being will be your greatest legacy.

Quote of the Day

“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.” –Hodding Carter

Picture of the Day

After a long winter, little Zachary was, quite literally, climbing the walls


Nothing says joy like some sugar and a new pair of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles big boy pants.

Send your best kid pics to:

Monday, March 10, 2008

And so it begins...

As I mentioned in an earlier post, a few of my friends and I have decided to embark on a “Fitness Challenge”. Our fitness regime will include daily (albeit short) cardio sessions, alternating strength training exercises four times a week, consistent water drinking, and avoiding our vulnerabilities (for me, this would include late evening snacking –not online shopping--). Each day, as we complete certain activities, we accrue points to be tallied at the end of the week. Whoever amasses the most points gets treated to a manicure by the others.

We are all very eager to start, all very excited about our potential outcomes, all very much aware that this seems a lot easier than it may actually be.

So far, today has been very successful. I’ve been drinking water, eating sensibly (despite lunch at Chez Braig), and I even completed my daily dose of cardio by dancing vigorously with my kids for ten minutes in the morning. All that is left is some weights tonight and the avoidance of evening snacking in epic proportions.

Foreseeable problems:

1) With this consistent water intake, I may need to map out all bathrooms in the greater Delaware Valley as the true, diminutive size of my bladder is now apparent.

2) Dancing in the morning while preparing breakfast was great today, but that was because Daylight Savings had granted me the luxury of a 7 o’clock wake-up time. With earlier rising on the horizon, I’m not sure my energy level will accommodate (especially before coffee! Yikes!)

3) Sensible eating worked today because there were no excuses provided by any holiday and, trust me, if it’s an excuse to enjoy some extra treats, I’ll celebrate Arbor Day. Also, my neighbors had not dropped by any baked goods as they are want to do, the girl scouts hate my driveway, all leftover desserts have been sent off to work with my husband, and my daughter has decided today would be best for painting….not the usual baking.

So, I’ll be posting my progress while maintaining one, focused goal: returning my abdomen to its pre-pregnancy form instead of its current state, which resembles a frowning, wrinkled old man’s mouth…lovely.

Happiness Is...

A perfect trip to the grocery store:

1) No wrestling matches getting anyone into the cart

2) No begging and pleading for candy or balloons (John!)

3) No tossing of items from our cart into someone else’s

4) No impromptu potty trips that require three people wearing heavy coats in a stall with a diaper bag and a one armed attempt to put some tissue down on the disgusting seat while another foot tries to keep the door closed because the d%$# lock won't work!

And finally,

5) No one telling the guy behind the seafood counter that he’s “stinky”.

Erin Go Bragh

Since St. Patrick's Day is just a short week away and I am decidedly Irish (I have the map of Ireland on my face, though less imaginative people call them freckles), I will be posting Irish jokes, toasts, and other shennnigans for the next seven days. Slainte!

Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and says to the first man he meets, 'Do you want to go to heaven?' The man said, 'I do, Father.'The priest said, 'Then stand over there against the wall.'Then the priest asked the second man, 'Do you want to go to heaven?''Certainly, Father,' was the man's reply. 'Then stand over there against the wall,' said the priest.Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and said, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'O'Toole said, 'No, I don't Father.' The priest said, 'I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?'O'Toole said, 'Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now.'

A Note on Daylight Savings

So this past weekend witnessed our time to spring forward in our country’s bi-annual tradition of altering our clocks to maximize the amount of daylight we enjoy during a day. It was established for many reasons, all which attempt to use the sun to our benefit: retail sales, sports, and other activities that exploit daylight, as well as reduce the use of electricity. In contrast, the practice actually disadvantages things such as farming, entertainment, and a great number of jobs that rely on set sun times as well. Though the practice is controversial (my husband considers it an atrocity and so, unless you have a few hours to spare, do not ask how he feels about it), it is an inevitable marker of the change in seasons.

Why write about this on a blog devoted to parenting? Because, in all the hoopla surrounding the change in times, apparently, our children never get the memo. It’s hard enough adjusting the nap and bedtimes of a highly scheduled baby, but even harder to convince a two year old that it is time for night-night when the sun is still smiling on her shiny world.

What is the best way to make the transition in time a seamless one?

Springing Ahead- I actually look forward to the loss in one hour’s sleep because it marks a rare time when my children actually sleep past 7 o’clock. Unfortunately, the business of going to bed earlier is not so enjoyable.

1) Try to put them down for their naps a little earlier, or even (gasp!) try to keep the length shorter. Let the phone ring, clang the pots and pans, and, in general, keep the naptime inducers at bay so that, when bedtime rolls around, they may be a little more open to going to bed earlier.
2) Take advantage of the extended light by running them completely ragged. You may wear yourself out in the process, but the last thing you need is a kid with energy to burn come 7 o’clock. As my siblings-in-law, Jeannie and Kevin, say, “Smoke their bags”.
3) Avoid stimulants. I realize most of you choose not to offer your child a nice cup of coffee after dinner, but other things you may consider holding off on are sugary desserts, treats, juice, and even fruits.
4) Extend the reading time. Reading to your kids is not only important for language and cognitive development, but also the perfect way to wind down the day. A warm bath, warm milk, and a few extra books will help them decompress and adjust to the time.

Finally, if you share my husband’s view that changing the times is complete madness and needs to be stopped, feel free to email a note to your congressman or woman letting them know at:
Contacting the Congress Email Directory

Also, check out for more info on the subject.

****One more idea- Use the bi-annual convention of changing your clocks to also check your smoke detectors.

Quote of the Day

"Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home." -Phyllis Diller

Picture of the Day

I took this picture the other day when it occured to me that, though she'll probably love to paint for years to come, I know those toes will soon be touching the floor and I just really wanted to hold on to this time while they do not.