Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Brother Abroad

Quote of the Weekend
Picture of the Weekend

Friday, January 16, 2009
For Those of You Who Consider This to be the Golden Age of Television
I know, it's very shocking. Not quite as shocking as the fact that this show is still on the air, but shocking still.
So shocking, it kind of makes me want to watch this trainwreck of a show to see if he's right....I'm such a sucker.
See for yourself:
He's A Manly Eater

Confession Time
A Brother Abroad
My brothers were among those afflicted with the need for speed.
My mother, more than a little aware of the fact that her sons would want to follow in their father's footsteps, was now confronted with the reality that they might opt for the skies instead of the water.
So, wanting to deter their military endeavors, my mother did what any mother would: she took Paul, the eldest, to see Platoon in hopes of scaring the bejesus out of him.
It didn't work: this is Day 3.
Quote of the Day
Picture of the Day

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Best News of the Day
There is only one way to properly celerbate this fabulous news: shake what little my mother gave me (we're Irish, after all).
The attached clip was posted once before, and is our family's daily dose of cardio while we make dinner. If you have not introduced your children to it yet, you can thank me later (or curse me).
Sorry Melissa, but it's time for...........
Dear Julie
That wasn't great either, but it's now long passed.
And the Bronx River Expressway has never been the same.
I Never Would Have Guessed......
Example Number 1: The Art of Keeping A Child Awake in the Car to Make it Home for Nap
Though my daughter has been known to sleep through security alarms, jackhammers, and absurd storms buffeting our house coming off the farm, a lot of people I know have children who will not make the transition from car to bed when travelling coincides with naptime. Ten minutes passed out in the car somehow convinces them that they have sufficiently rested and the long march of the day's remains begins.
For that reason, parents will go to great lengths to keep their kids awake until they are able to tuck them safely in their beds for naptime. Consider these the best/most ridiculous techniques:
5) Sing as loudly as possible, especially songs that are more interactive and stimulating (e.g. "Wheels on the Bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Oops, I Did it Again", etc.)
4) Stockpile stimulating, noisy toys around the car seat (travel size etch-a-sketch, mini computers, stickers).
3) Sugar, sugar, sugar.
2) Offer up typically taboo objects (cell phones, keys, paper shredder)
1) Play "Which Window?" Using your automatic window controls, challenge the sleepy subject to guess which one will come down next....windy days are a plus.
A Brother Abroad
As I type this, my brother is somewhere on a plane heading into unfriendly skies, which draws my mind to something he sent me before he left.
HBO films will be airing a movie based on the practice of escorting the fallen home, a tradition derived by the belief that a brother will never be deserted, even in death. The movie "Taking Chance" stars Kevin Bacon as the escorting marine, a job my brother said many of his comrades had undertaken, but he had never had. He also considered the hardest of all possible obligations.
Some more about the movie:
"Taking Chance,'' the HBO film starring Kevin Bacon as Strobl premieres
at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21.Along the way, Strobl ept a journal, documenting how Americans from all walks of life honored the fallen Marine they never knew.
"You can read an article that says a certain number of Marines
were killed in this city, or you see a body count coming up. It doesn't really
hit home in the same kind of way as it does if you actually see what happens to
the actual remains,'' Bacon told a group of TV critics. "You see the
preparation, you see the respect and you see the tradition and the honor that is
involved with actually returning them to their final resting place.''
Bacon says little needed to be done to make the journey more
moving or compelling.
"The story is really a very, very simple one,'' Bacon
said. "It's really just the story of this man and this person Chance he's
returning. And it's almost completely unembellished with anything to make it
more cinematic or dramatic or to somehow force us to feel one way or another
based on what our preconceived notions are about Iraq and whether or not we
should have been in there or whatever. It's just the simple telling of what this
process is like and, in its simplicity, I think, becomes an extremely profound
kind of comment on the casualties of war.''
Strobl began noticing the deeply personal responses to his mission
at the Dover Port Mortuary. "During the two days I was at Dover, I think they
had about a dozen departures of remains,'' said Strobl, now retired from the
Marines. "And every time the remains would leave, these construction workers
would stop their work, put their hard hats over their hearts, and stand at their
version of attention. And seeing that, I realized I want to remember this
because there's really some goodness there, these people doing this every time
the remains depart."
"Then the hearse driver on the way to Philadelphia, the
flight attendant who gave me a crucifix, and the only thing she said to me was,
'I want you to have this,' and she left. The baggage handlers, the cargo people,
the pilots, the flight attendants -- all of these people who you can presume
covered the spectrum of political views -- they all had this profound sense of
gratitude and sorrow at Chance's loss. ... People who didn't know Chance, didn't
know the circumstances of his death. All they knew was he was a Marine who died in combat, and they represented, to me, all that's good about America.''Check out the trailer below, and to Paul (though I doubt you've had time to check email) yes, I did cry.....a little.
Song of the Day
Another Blog is Born

Quote of the Day
Picture(s) of the Day

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Coming Soon
I'll give only one hint and the winner will receive spoils untold ...... (though, not exceeding $79).
In Case You Were Curious...
One more year and I can buy another pair of Seven jeans.
Reason enough.
Dear Julie
No one in the world would dare complain about a tough day to you.
(except maybe four little people who share your residence).
Song of the Day
I love it because of:
1) The muppet version of Kate Peirson
2) Monsters having breakdowns amidst a sea of fur
3) REM, a band I worshipped throughout my formative years, is now back in my life on any given , PBS morning.
Enjoy (and stay with it until the 1:20 mark)
Babies in the News
But not as horrible as the names they chose.
The Highlights:
5) Buster Timothy Miller (child of Jonny Lee Miller nee Jolie) - Pass the courvoisier
4) Viggo Moriah (child of Taylor Hanson)
3) Dolly Rebecca Rose and Charlie Tamara Tulip (twin daughters of Rebecca Romjin and Jerry O'Connell)
2) Seraphina Rose Elizabeth (daughter of Jennifer Garner and Ben Afflek)
1) Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa (son of Lisa Bonet and some guy)
***This is just a temporary list until Jason Lee (father of Pilot Inspektor) reveals the name of his daughter....which is sure to be a gem.
That New Perspective
My brother, for instance.
A seasoned marine, my brother is the father of four unbelievable kids ranging in age from 13 years to eighteen months. He also happened to marry one of the most unbelievable people I know (a sister of the heart, if not the blood) in Nurse Julie. He is my older brother and, having barely survived two cross country trips in a cramped car as kids, I consider him one of the most important people in my life.
And yet, today, he is returning to Iraq.
I actually just got off the phone with him, needing to talk to him one more time before his feet found themselves standing on sandy soil and my heart is broken all over again. The first deployment was tough (baby Charlotte was but a few months old at the time), but this one seems tougher.
So here is my new perspective, my new reason for getting over my own self-indugence. Paul will be gone from his wife and children for an entire year. Four little birthdays, a dance recital or two, countless soccer and baseball games, the first day of school, their anniversary, fireworks on the 4th, Halloween costumes on the 31st, Christmas morning, and every morning in between.
365 days begins today.
And every day I will include a post about this deployment; it may be an anecdote, a diatribe, or just a sentence. Whatever it is, a year is a long time and consider this Day 1.
Semper Fi.
A New Year, A New Perspective

Quote of the Day
Picture of the Day