Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Confession Time

Someone gave one of my children a piece of clothing as a gift a while ago (could I be more evasive?) and, as is the trend in tot fashion these days, there is a funny saying on it.

However, one of the words is misspelled.

Now, my blog is often riddled with typing missteps and poor proofreading (probably because I don't), so this is not some unrealistic expectation by a former English teacher. It's just that, if you are going to print something for the purpose of widespread circulation, wouldn't someone catch that?

Anyway, I can't bring myself to let the child wear it.

I think this means I have a problem.....would anyone else refrain?


Chris F said...

I'm going to need a photo of this, or else I say it doesn't exist.

One Maid A' Milking said...

No problem....it will appear when you least expect it.

Meg (MU) said...

I was going to say the same thing as Chris F....So curious.