Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Life of a Blogger

So, in case your curious, 80% of my daily blogging occurs at night. I pick out the following day's picture, quote, and few posts and save them to a specific time release schdeule to appear throughout the day.

The remaining 20% of my posts are churned out during naptime, which allows me to include timely news and anything that may have just happened that I cannot wait to post about. So, slogging usually occurs when our nap schedule is compromised (either someone isn't taking one, Mommy needs one, or the Health Department is on its way over to condemn my home).

Also of note, every time a reader clicks on one of the site's advertisements, Google is kind enough to throw a few cents my way. Since the blog averages between 150-200 hits a day, I will have my Zoom teeth whitening procedure paid off in 2023 (and my children will be 18 and 16).

So, as you may have guessed, today's naps were compromised. My little man whose extreme and rare fussiness had been chalked up to a new round of teething, was actually grappling with something a little more startling: a horrible reaction to the Chicken Pox vaccine (we think).

Anyway, this made for a tough couple of days with little rest for my arms. Today's nap was spent in my arms. He does seem to be doing a bit better (he is happily playing at my feet for the first time in two days) and so I am sending my shouts out to you and figuring out what the heck to do for dinner.

So: if you have a child approaching the first year mark, I'll be posting the whole story about our vaccine troubles tomorrow, as well as a few complaints I now have about the whole process.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Yikes. Sorry to hear it... I'm glad he's doing better. And it's interesting to hear about how the blogging thing works; I've often wondered.