Monday, April 13, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

One of my least favorite things about extended car travel is the necessary potty stops at wretched restrooms....the germs, MY GOD, the germs!

Nevertheless, I always come equipped with hand sanitizers and strict instructions that nothing is to be touched....NOTHING!

Of course, the return home trip from my parents' on Sunday night resulted in tons of traffic (as is's Sunday every year), and the inevitable pit stop.

While we cased the few, horrible choices, we ended up running into a well known fast food franchise that looked like the CDC might not have condemned it and went about the business of relieving my little girl.

She decided, after much prep, that she really didn't have to go, but should would like french fries.

Had I just been duped by a 3 year old???

What's worse, I reluctantly decided to take advantage of the facilities while we were there in order to avoid an unnecessary pit stop for myself. It was at this time that my daughter announced:

"Mommy, you have a big booty....and really pretty underwear!"

1) Do I say thank you?

2) And who taught her booty? We are a family that says "tush"!

Happy Easter everyone.


Samantha said...

Welcome to the world of school, where they pick up all sorts of little gems. Just wait until they start elementary school! :)

Julie Weaver said...

Sounds like an Uncle Mike word or she read the tag on my new Joe's Jeans in "booty cut".