Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It is never far from memory, is it?

I don't have any time to blog today, but wanted to post this....a incarnation of the pit in my stomach. Yes, it was a stupid decision on someone's part; but what's more, it shows how complacency does not replace memories.



Samantha said...

Stupid, yes, and absolutely appalling... how Louis Caldera could authorize this with apparently no consideration to how this would affect the people who live and work in Manhattan - many of whom I'm sure lived through 9/11 - boggles the mind. How could one not immediately realize what this would do to the people watching from the ground? Unbelieveable.

Chris F said...

White House vanity and post-9/11 sweep-it-under-the-rug-and-never-mention-it-again wackiness. How quickly some people want to forget. Sad to say, it really feels more and more like something big will happen again, especially seeing as how in a mere 7 1/2 years some people in authority think this sort of thing is no big deal...

NYC on 9/11 was not fun.

Samantha said...

Though I don't discount the severity and stupidity of this incident for a moment, and I think an investigation into the decision making process is absolutely called for, let's be clear about the fact that the decision to do this did not come from the White House.

Samantha said...

"Stupidity?" Really? The decision, absolutely, but I feel compelled to say, again, that this decision was not made by the President.

One Maid A' Milking said...

But, Sam, I thought Obama was flying the plane????

Snicker, snicker.....

In truth, I certainly don't hold el presidente accountable for the fly by, much like I wouldn't hold Dominos pizza accountable for the two knuckleheads who decided to blow their noses in some sandwhiches. It just comes down to ill conceived ideas and a touch of arrogance on some underling's part to cloud good judgement.

And with that, long live Tupac.

Julie Weaver said...

Yes, but S--t falls upward, long live Barry O'Bama...and Tupac!

Samantha said...

Couldn't have said it better, Maid; I totally agree with you. No more politics for me... I like stories of kiddos and Tupac better. :)