Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Way With Words

Special thanks to the one and only Kristine Wylie for submitting this next interchange. According to her, she was shopping at Babys R' Us when a woman who also had a baby inquired about the age of Kristine's adorable little 6 month old, Logan. When Kristine told her that he was 18 pounds, she gasped and then, unable to conceal her appalled alarm, responded:

Comment: Oh my God! My son will be one this month and he also weighs 18 lbs!

What You Want To Say: Oh, I'm so sorry. But really, please know that his poor eating habits only partially reflect your abilities as a mother. Have you considered cooking classes?

What You Could Say: Really? Is your husband undersized too?

What You Should Say: I know! He is so healthy! And I am sure your little guy will catch up in no time!

*For the record: My "little guy" will be one in two weeks and he is weighing it at an astounding 24 lbs....and I would want him any other way!


Julie Weaver said...

Let me just start off by saying I love big babies but...NOT ALL BABIES THAT ARE SMALL ARE SICKLY, OR HAVE A PARENT THAT CAN'T COOK!

As the mother of a son that has always been in the 10-20 percentile for height and weight respectively(he was 6# 10 oz at birth...average), I have always felt that I was doing something wrong when I would see the multitude of gargantuan children out there. Or when people would brag about the large size of their children, I would compensate and respond with "...well, we're just not very big people". We are 5'4" and 5'8".

I HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG. My son is a healthy, smart, energetic three year old. There is NOTHING to catch up to, he is his own person and I love him. I anticipate that he will grow up to be of average height like his father.

Oh,Drew is 3 years old and weighs 29 lbs...and I'll be happy to give cooking lessons to anyone that requires them.

One Maid A' Milking said...

My darling Jules, Those comments were contrived solely for the expense of the rude women who felt it is entirely okay to comment on the development of other people's children (big OR small). I love the peanuts as much as the pumpkins and, yes, you are a fabulous cook. So sit down, take a breath, and know that you are fabulous.

Love, OMM

Julie Weaver said...

OK OK OK... I'm just such the mama bear, I couldn't help it.