Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Father's Day Gift List:

As I posted yesterday, I am creating the greatest list of Father's Day gifts ever assembled. In the interest of ensuring that this collection of ideas surpasses all others, I am soliciting ideas from fathers who have received, witnessed the receipt of, or want to receive certain gifts.

As much as women think we know what men want (or shoud want), this one is best left to the male persuasion.

Also, if I may be so bold as to throw down the proverbial gauntlet, I have stumbled upon the PERFECT Father's Day gift.

This gift, along with the entire list, will be posted some time tomorrow.

Send your ideas to:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am waiting in anticipation for this list! I am starting to panic, I have no idea what to get my dad this year...